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As an Open Educational Resource (OER) Voices & Visions depends on the goodwill and educational ideals of archives, content experts, universities and other partners. Its collaborative nature means that anyone can help further its mission. Here are some ways to get involved

Contribute Content

If you have some content expertise related to 20th Century US Foreign Relations, we invite you to contribute an entry (or two) to our collection. Whether a scholar, librarian, grad student, professor or foreign relations expert, we welcome your knowledge and contribution. All of our entries are peer reviewed and collaboratively edited with our editorial team. Once you have submitted an entry, we will list you on our page of Contributors. Visit here to view our style guide and to propose an entry.

Leave Feedback

Voices & Visions provides high quality, easily usable material for educators and students. In addition to using our materials, we appreciate any feedback about how we can make this website more useful. This feedback can encompass everything from format and accessibility to specific content you would like to see added to our collection. Voices & Visions is about collaboration. We invite feedback from educators, students, and the general public. We cannot carry out our vision without collaboration. Visit here to leave feedback

Support other Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources are a path to a better future for education where knowledge and resources are shared as broadly and inexpensively as possible. Helping any OER helps all OERs. We would invite you to use and support other companion projects such as the collaboratively built American history textbook American Yawp. Spread the word about projects like Voices & Visions and American Yawp and help build an educational culture founded on the principle of open access.
